Between three and six months old, puppies can develop fear aggression around other dogs, cats, strangers, grandma...oh, there are so many triggers. And we are inclined to excuse it so readily. The nip is so small; isn't it cute to see how they run and hide behind their favorite human? No, it is not! This willful adolescent behavior is unacceptable in any environment and indulging it can lead toward adult problems that land that formerly cute puppy in the shelter. A stern "NO" and removal of the puppy from the group to a quiet spot where he will be ignored for a while are the kindest reactions.
Helen Fazio and her dog Raja are world travelers. Click here to visit their blog
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Snacks fuel much of our relationships with our dogs, especially dogs in training, since a snack is the reward of choice for most training programs. Nothing really wrong with that, but if poochie is getting pudgy, you might try breaking up those rice crackers into small bites as rewards. Same as it is for humans, the crunch is all there, but the calories are not.
by Helen Fazio, Travel Dog Blogger, |
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